Wednesday, October 19, 2011

quick update

Hey ya'll,
Sorry haven't written anything lately, been very very busy.  We are retiring!!!!!  Hubby got a job in Northern Utah, Ogden area and getting ready to leave VA, buy a house and settle in.  I can't wait!  Here are a few things I have been doing lately, hope you enjoy.  Made lots of coffee filter roses, went vegan for a month, then made boston butt and couldn't resist dang it!

here is site for making roses:

Monday, August 1, 2011

painting and stuff

Hello all,
trying to get back in the mood to paint again, it comes and goes according to how my life is......mood...mood...mood....
Here are some of the stuff I have done over the years, want to do more watercolor, its fast and fun :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Been a While

Hello ya'll, its been a while since I posted on here....busy busy busy.  Between work and the house and the kids and plans for hubby's retirement to be honest I totally forgot about this site.....bad me.  Anyway, I am now back online, and have this site and another cooking/foodie site, Southern Sisters Just Good Food.
Check it out when you can!
We took the kids to the driving range here at Langley last Sunday and they loved it!  They each got three buckets of balls and they would have been happy to have three more I am sure.  I even hit a couple, and really enjoyed it.  Who knows, we might end up a 'golfing' family.  :)